Bad overshadows the good
Update: Came back and found not much change. MM still horrid. Win% takes a beating because of it, more rapidly if you play a lot. Noticed also that Premium Shells bounce and bounce a lot. Still no effective Chat. Game is good for the 5 minutes here and there that youre bored but a long way to go before its ready to be a time consumer.
The game is great for a while but then you start to notice the problems that havent been fixed yet. Like:
MatchMaking Hell: Deleted an account because they didnt fix me going into battle with a Tier6 and the other 6 on my team plus the 7 from enemy be all Tier8 tanks. Excuse was premiums get preferential treatment. Fine except I doubt there were that many playing for days on end. Finally got tired of doing nothing but dying and losing silver. Not allowing to Platoon with 6 people is horrid. Win% takes a beating because regardless of how good you play you end up being 1v7 within 2 minutes. Its nonstop.
Communication: Chat is fine after you die but it really needs mic support so your team can communicate and play at the same time like PC/Console. If you try to chat you gonna die typing.
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